Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mommy friends

I met a nice woman at the dog park today. Leah is her name, and her dog's name is Tucker. She's a pediatrician and has a baby that is less than a year old. I have seen her there before and we've chatted, but this time, we talked longer than we ever have in the past and actually exchanged names. I'm hoping this will be the beginning of a friendship, because I could use some mom friends who live locally! Right now, I only have one, though another friend is about 3 months pregnant (which means Poppy will be about 3 months older than my friend's child). Being around people who know what you're going through because they've been through it is so helpful, and I would like to build a support network for me and a network of friends for Poppy (especially since our neighborhood doesn't lend itself to her making friends around here). I am thinking about trying to join a mommy's group or doing Stroller Strides or something, but it will also depend on my job situation, since working 90 miles from home isn't conducive to having lots of time for playgroups, etc. (though I'm sure Mike will be able to make lots of mommy friends, ha ha).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Too much advice

People are sweet and well-meaning. Most of them, anyway. But sometimes they drive me fucking crazy.

Mike and I are in the process of registering for baby stuff. That's been a process in and of itself, because we each have our own ideas about how it should go. But we are finally mostly on the same page about most things and it's been getting easier. It was, anyway, until a little bit ago.

Last night, Mike was IMing with a friend who has a couple of kids and he mentioned to her that he was working on our registry. She then came up with this list of things to get and to not get, and of course has opinions on everything. Mike ate it up hook, line and sinker. (Now that I know this, it actually helps explain how/why some things got on our registry that we'd never talked about and that I am quite sure we don't need and won't use.)

The big thing he took from her is that rather than getting the Medela Pump in Style (PIS) breast pump that I want, that I should get some single (only one breast at a time) hand pump because it's less expensive and it's quiet and it will make me feel less like a cow. I tried to explain to Mike that I talked to people and read books and did research and that's how I decided that I wanted the PIS and that it's not like I just picked the more expensive one because it's more expensive (A LOT more expensive. Like $300 vs. $85.). He blew me off and insists that I think about it more.

I'm so frustrated! I don't want a hand pump, I want one that is power-operated so my hands don't get tired from pumping all the time. I know the PIS may be louder, but I don't care-- breastfeeding is natural and if they can hear the pump, people are going to have to deal with the fact that I'm pumping. I currently think that I'm going to feel like a cow no matter what-- after all, I'm being pumped to provide milk to another person-- so why on earth would I buy a bump that takes twice as long (as least, since I imagine it will be 2x as long to do each breast, and if my hands get tired from pumping, I am sure it will be more slow than using the PIS)?

My plan is to ignore him. The PIS is on the registry, that's the one I want. I have reasons for wanting it, I'm the one who is going to be pumping, and if he asks me about it (I won't bring it up), I'll just explain my reasons to him and he can deal with it. When milk starts coming out of his nipples, he can pick a fucking pump.

Things are going well

I went to the doctor this morning for a routine appointment and am happy to report that everything is on track. My blood pressure was 122/77-- which is amazing for me!-- and the baby's heartbeat was strong and healthy. I'm not having any weird symptoms except two different types on itching. One is a rash that seems to happen when I get too hot or sweaty. It's gross and uncomfortable, but the doctor said that may just be how I react to being pregnant and that I should 1) try some spray on antiperspirant where I tend to get the rash and 2) be happy it's starting to cool down. The other rash is a little more serious, potentially. The palms of my hands and soles of my feet get red, swollen, and itchy. It may be a sign of problems with my liver or gallbladder, so I am going to have some blood work done in two weeks when I go for my glucose test and rhogam shot. My mom has hepatitis, and the itchy palms and soles is one of her symptoms. I have empathy now, because it's miserable!

All that being said, I'm really pleased with how everything is going. Sure, I complain about the day-to-day frustrations and annoyances, but all in all, it's been an easy pregnancy. I haven't had to worry about "is my baby okay?" "Is my baby going to make it?" or anything else. No cramping, no bleeding, no contractions, no nothing. Smooth sailing. For that, I am very thankful. I honestly didn't think it'd be that way.

My next appointment is towards the end of October, then one in the middle of November. Then I start going more frequently, unless my blood pressure starts acting up, in which case I'll go probably once a week. I'm in the home stretch!

Friday, September 18, 2009


My birthday ended up being fine. We had dinner with some friends the day before and it was really nice. Very touching. I cried. I'm a sap, what can I say? The actual day-of, I worked a really long day (10 hours, plus 3 hours drive time). The day after, though, Mike and I and my brother went to a really fancy place for dinner and ate like pigs. Literally hundreds of dollars worth of food (and wine for the boys). It was all comped because of some work Mike had done for the owner of the restaurant. Not bad!

My stomach has gotten a lot bigger. I look at pictures from a couple of weeks ago compared to now and it's mind boggling. Amazing how quickly it happens. Tomorrow I'll be six months pregnant, and Sunday, I'll be married for a year. It's been a busy 12 months.

Work is going well. My boss has been much more open to letting me work from home. I'm home today and will be home two days next week, too. Woo hoo! That's a huge load off.

Big plans for this weekend include buying "What to Expect The First Year" and "Super Baby Foods." I figure I should get started learning about those things now, while I have time and while I'm rested.

Other than that, nothing too exciting going on. That's probably a good thing. ;)

Friday, September 11, 2009

I still count, right?

My birthday is on Monday. I'll be 30. Woo hoo. I've already written about some angst I'm having around my birthday, but I'm trying to get over that. Today, though, something happened that I'd been wondering about. It wasn't necessarily a nice thing to have it confirmed, either.

My in-laws, who are wonderful, thoughtful, sweet, loving people, sent me a birthday gift. It's a necklace with a pendant on it of a family. Two adults, one child. They're hugging, and the arms of the adults form a heart. It's a very nice necklace, and I know they were thinking of me and about how I'm going to be a mom and all that stuff. But isn't the thing about it being my birthday that it's MY birthday? Not the birthday of the little one growing inside me? Wouldn't THAT be a good day to get a necklace of a family?

What I'm trying to say is, this gift is about me as a mother and as the matriarch of a family. Which is nice, but I wonder if it's the beginning of me as an individual not counting anymore. Now it'll be me as a mom, part of a unit (mom + child). That's quite a change and will definitely take some getting used to.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Inappropriate touching

I met someone the other day-- for the first time-- and she immediately put her hand on my stomach. I've read about that happening and people have told me it happens, but I was still surprised when it did. Why on earth would anyone think that's okay?!?!

Buzz saw

One of the things I've read in my pregnancy books is that the membranes that line the uterus are the same as those that line the nose. The changes that happen during pregnancy happen not only to the uterine membranes, but also to the ones in the nose. This results in snoring.

I don't usually snore, but apparently I've been doing it lately. Mike has told me that I've been snoring loudly enough that he can hear me from the living room. The first time he said that, we sort of laughed about it. I was embarrassed, but what can I do? He didn't mention it again, until last night, when he called me a buzz saw. Once again, I was snoring so loudly that he could hear me from the other room. It made it hard for him to sleep, and he went and slept on the couch. (That said, I did sleep very well. It's nice to have the whole bed to myself!)

I explained to him the biological reason for my new symphony of sounds and he told me it's cute. It's not, but I appreciate the sentiment. Last night, I was having a hard time getting comfortable-- lots of tossing and turning-- and add to that a fear of snoring and keeping Mike up, and it wasn't the most restful night I've ever had. I slept on the couch for a few hours and then came back to bed. Hopefully I'll get over this (not sure why the snoring has given me a complex; there's nothing I can do about it) so we can get back to normal!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Best massage ever

I went today and had a massage and it was the best thing ever. Ever. I've had one other pre-natal massage, and it was nice, but this was nicer. Not sure why. The first time, I was still able to lay on my stomach, so I did, but this time, I started on my right side and then flipped over to my left. The masseuse paid special attention to the area that have been bothering me-- my feet, which swell like crazy by the end of the day, my neck, which is always tense as a result of working at a desk all day, and my right hip, which is pained from the 3+ hours of driving I do five days a week. She also suggested I go to prenatal yoga, which I've been wanting to do, but have been too lazy to actually commit to. The place I'd go offers classes Wednesday nights at 7, which I can usually make it to (have to leave work by 5 to get home with enough time to change and get to yoga), or early (8?) Saturday morning. I did buy a prenatal yoga DVD, but I haven't used it yet. Wow. I guess I'm lazier than I thought!