Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Buh-bye commute

I officially accepted the offer I got and gave notice at my job. I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. No more long commute! I counted, and with today's drive being done, I only have to make the drive 8 more times. My boss, and everyone at work, took it really well. They all basically say they will miss me, that I am a great employee/boss/colleague, and that they understand that this is the best decision for my family-- which it is.

Last night, we went to our first childbirth education class (more on that later), and as we learned about the signs of labor to watch for and what to pay attention to, I felt like I had an epiphany. "Oh my god," I thought. "I've been stupidly brave about all this!" What if something happened while I was in the middle of my drive? What if something happened while I was stuck in a traffic jam? What if I was far away (up to 90 miles) from my hospital and my husband? Of course I'd call 911 and would figure something out, and I realize labor can be a process that takes a long time, but this way I'm not tempting fate. Not to mention once the baby is born-- this way I won't have to be so far away from her if something happens. I was doing what I needed to do to keep my job and to do a good job, but as Poppy's birth gets closer and closer, it's time to stop taking chances of this type. So I'm feeling good about my decision, even as I have some apprehension about my new job and the exclusive-work-at-home arrangement that comes with it.

More health update

I'm still sick, but have been feeling better each day. Unfortunately, I have excruciating pain in my ribs whenever I cough, laugh, move, or anything else. The Tylenol with codeine that was prescribed for me helps me sleep and dulls the pain, but I don't feel comfortable taking it because of the baby. And I can't drive when I take it because it's a narcotic. I'm happy, though, that I'm feeling better than I as, and I'm trying to concentrate on continuing the trend.

Unfortunately, Mike is sick now. I think I gave it to him. I feel terribly, but I'm glad at least he doesn't have to go to the office each day. Just to the class he teaches twice a week, which is still pretty bad.

Hopefully our getting sick will help protect Poppy. I have another doctor's appointment in two weeks, so that may be my chance to get the H1N1 vaccine (if they have it). Unless what I have now is H1N1-- maybe then I won't need the vaccine? Hmm...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not getting better

I'm not sure how long it's supposed to take for one to recover from the flu. I'm sure it's more than 2 days, but I'm tired of being sick and tired of being scared for my baby. You see, last night, I dug out "What to Expect When You're Expecting" to look up info on fevers. For pregnant women, anything at or above 100.4 is considered "you should call the doctor" worrisome. And if you feel decreased fetal movements, you should immediately call Labor and Delivery, because that's a really big sign of trouble.

Took my temperature at various times last night. The first time I took it (7ish), it was 99.9. An hour later, 100.4. An hour later, 100.6. At 10:35, it was up to 100.8. I took 1000 mgs of Tylenol and waited to see if it would go down. An hour later, it was still 100.8, so I called the After Hours Nurse, who then transferred me to Labor and Delivery triage. The nurse there told me to give it another hour and to drink as many cold fluids as I could in that time, hoping the fever would break. Well thankfully it did and at 12:45, I was down to 98.7 (which is still a little high for me, as I'm usually more like 96- or 97-point something). Each time I got up to go to the bathroom, I'd check my temperature, and it stayed low for a while. Then, when I woke up at a little before 6, it was back up to 99.7, and a little before 8, we were back to 100.6. sigh.

I never realized until I was pregnant that such a low-grade fever could be such an issue. I mean, really, 100.4+ isn't that hot. But when you're pregnant, everything is about the health of your baby. So here's hoping the baby is okay.

I'm off to the doctor this morning to get seen. I don't think they'll do anything for me, but it's better safe than sorry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well, I finally got the flu shot saga cleared up. Went to the doctor on Monday and was told there aren't any H1N1 shots, and that you can't have one if you've been vaccinated within 30 days. So I got a seasonal flu shot and a month from now, if I have to, I'll get the H1N1 vaccine, too.

Of course about an hour after I got my seasonal flu shot, I started feeling REALLY sick. Chest and head congestion, sore throat, alternatively productive and unproductive (non-productive?) coughs, chills. I immediately got into bed and laid around for the rest of the day. It didn't get better as time passed, though Mike did make me his delicious homemade chicken soup. I also stayed home today and mostly slept. Slept and coughed.

I sent an email to my doctor who wrote back saying that the flu vaccine doesn't have any live flu in it (which I knew, but I wanted to put the timing in perspective) and that I'm either having flu-like symptoms as a result of my immune system mobilizing due to the vaccine or that I got the vaccine a little too late and had already been exposed to the flu. Great.

I can take Robitussin, she said, and Benadryl, and should watch out for fever. If I get a fever, I need to call the doctor immediately. Gotta get out my thermometer.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This is my private blog-- it's out there and people can look at it if they come across it somewhere, but I don't give out the URL to people I know in real life-- so I can write whatever I want! Including things that might be TMI, like this.

The last couple of weeks, my nipples and areolas have had crusty stuff on them. I can and do flake it off, and I realized it'd probably colostrum. A quick Google search also supported that idea. The crusty stuff is kind of gross, but it's a natural bodily function, so what can you do?

Today I started thinking, though. If it's colostrum, it's gotta be coming out of my nipples and then spilling onto my aereolas, where it then dries and becomes crusty, right? But I've never seen or felt anything coming out of my nipples! So I decided I'd do some Googling to learn how to manually express my breasts, which, assuming it is colostrum, would produce that substance. I gave it a try and was fascinated to see a clear liquid coming out of my nipple! Oh my god! What a weird sight!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Feeling a little sick

For the last week or so, I've been feeling like I'm getting a cold. I don't want a cold! I'm pregnant and having a cold can't be good for the baby. But I'd rather have a cold than the seasonal flu or the swine flu.

When I went in last week for the glucose screening, I also had to get a RhoGam shot. The nurse asked me if I also wanted the flu shot. That morning, I'd awakened to a story on NPR about how pregnant women are 6 times more likely to die from the swine flu. Pretty compelling reason to get the vaccine, huh? But I still wasn't set on a decision. The nurse said if I came back on/after Oct. 12, I could get both flu and H1N1 shots (one in each arm).

Well, between other research I've done and feeling sick, I've now decided yes, I'll get the vaccines. I have been reading a lot about demand for the H1N1 shots, so yesterday I sent a reminder to myself to call Kaiser today to see if I needed an appointment or if I could just walk in. The woman at the appointment center had no idea, had to call the OBGYN department, which didn't answer. So she left a message and told me I'd get a call back.

I did get a call back, and just a few minutes later. The nurse from OBGYN told me they didn't have any H1N1 shots, didn't know if or when they'd be getting any. I explained that the nurse I saw last week (literally a week ago today) specifically told me they'd be in and to come back. Today's nurse said the one I spoke with last week had no idea what she was talking about, but that maybe they'd have some shots in November. Um, okay.

About 15 minutes after that, I got ANOTHER call from Kaiser. Same nurse I'd spoken with earlier. She said she's spoken with a nurse at my medical office and that they may have some H1N1 vaccine coming in after all, later this week or early next week, and that I should call the main appointment number again to see. So it looks like I'll get to have this adventure again this Friday (or next Monday, when I have an actual appointment already scheduled).

I'm trying to remind myself that I didn't want the vaccine in the first place, so if I don't get it, it will be fine. And it will be fine, assuming I don't come into contact with anyone who has, and passes on to me, swine flu.

When can I start working from home?!?!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Misc. Updates

1) Last Friday, I got a text message from Mike that he'd gotten calls from two new clients, totally out of the blue, wanting to do a couple of shoots this weekend. One of the shoots fell through, but he did end up booking a full day of work ($900) for one of the clients-- a large, national department store chain! I told him if he was still feeling nervous about striking out on his own, he should stop right now!

2) I have a meeting with my former (and potential new) boss tomorrow. She has two positions open and I've seen one of them advertised. As far as I know, she's not advertising "mine," so I'm hoping tomorrow's coffee date will include a formal offer.

3) On the baby front... we picked out a name! There wasn't a lot of overlap in the names Mike and I liked, but I came up with a first name (Micaela or Michaela) and middle name (Lee) combination that I thought sounded good, called him and asked what he thought, and he liked it! I was totally shocked. I didn't expect our conversation would be, "what do you think about Micaela/Michaela Lee?" "I like it." "Okay, so we can go with that?" "Yeah, let's."

He likes Michaela, and I like Micaela, so we still have to deal with that. I like Leigh better than Lee, but Lee is Mike's mom's middle name and the name of my dearest (now deceased) aunt, so I think we're going with Lee.

I want to come up with at least one other option so when Poppy is born, we have something else ready to go in case she doesn't look like a Micaela/Michaela. Still, it's a big hurdle to have come up with *something*!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So excited!

When I found out I was pregnant, I was in total shock. TOTAL SHOCK. There were no words to describe how taken aback I was. I literally had spent the 15 or so years before thinking I was not going to be able to have kids (or that I'd need medical intervention if I could), and all of a sudden, BAM! I was pregnant. Say what?!?

Now that the shock has worn off, I'm just excited. Totally excited! I can't wait for Poppy to get here! I am enjoying my pregnancy more than I thought I would (and maybe more than it seems like from my complaining here), but I'm ready for it to be over with so I can meet MY DAUGHTER. How crazy is that? My daughter. Hooray for Poppy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Job changes

I haven't written anything here yet about the latest job news in our household, but there's a lot going on.

Mike, who has been very busy in the last few years juggling a bustling freelance career with full-time work and responsibilities around the house, gave notice today at work. Three weeks from now, he will be on his own, taking the time to expand his freelance business and preparing for his new role of stay-at-home dad.

He was understandably nervous about quitting. Right now, we're making a ton of money between my income, his income, his freelance income, and our rental income. We have mostly banked his income (though not exclusively), so we have a decent size nest egg. But still, with a baby on the way on expenses going up because of that, it's a scary time to turn down $65k/year. Our original plan was that he would quit his job in January, when the baby is born, but I convinced him that it made sense to quit now so he can focus on building the business up to a point that he can be in full swing once January rolls around. He won't officially stop working until Oct. 22, and he just started another gig (teaching two classes at a local college), and then there's also the job of finishing up the renovation on our house. That's obviously very important and has to be done by the time the baby comes. So I expect he'll still be really darn busy!

In terms of my job news, I don't have anything definitive yet, but I have an interesting situation. Someone I used to work for got a new job a couple of months ago. When she'd accepted the position but hadn't told anyone yet where it was, she started talking to me about the chance to work together again. Never one to limit my options, I told her I'd be interested (and I am. She's a great lady and I learned a lot working from her before). When she finally told me where she was working, we revisited the conversation. A few weeks ago, she emailed me a job description for discussion purposes to see if I'd be interested. It would pay what I was making before I took my current job (which came with a $20k/yr pay cut) and WOULD BE BASED AT HOME. I'd still be a director-level, but my 3 hour (or more, depending on traffic) daily commute would be gone. My $400-$500 monthly gas bill would be gone AND my income would go up by more than $1200/month before taxes. How can I say no to that?

I have the feeling that I'm a sure thing. I'm her preferred (and only, at this point) candidate and I've worked with the other people in this company before. We have good relationships. I sent in a cover letter and resume and heard back today asking what my time line looks like. I said I want to give 2 weeks notice-- that's only fair-- but that's my only issue. I do feel badly, because I love my current job. I really do love it. But this other opportunity would be better for my family, and now that I'm a mom, that has to come first. It's a weird thing to wrap my mind around in a lot of ways. Assuming the new job comes through, I'm going to see if my current company wants to keep me on as a consultant to finish a couple of big projects that need to be done by the end of the calendar year.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baby shower!

I'd been feeling sorry for myself over the last couple of days. I got an invite to a girlfriend's baby shower. She's due months after I am, but her friends have it together enough that they're planning something and not only had I not heard a peep out of my friends, but when I asked a couple of them some registry-related questions, all I heard was the sound of crickets (implying they had no plans to throw me a shower). I don't know why, but stuff like that totally gets to me and throughout my life, I have been really hurt by having expectations of my friends that they never quite seem to meet. I've gotten better about it, but I'm still not that good, and this shower thing is a perfect example.

Today, Mike and I spent a very nice day out and about and I happened to mention to him that my feelings were hurt because I wanted a shower but no one was going to throw me one. He said I have a tendency to make people think I don't want something (like a baby shower) and then get disappointed when I don't get it. That's a longstanding discussion between us, and I basically let it go. A couple of hours later, he said to me, all giddy, "check your email!" I looked at my BlackBerry and had a message from my friend saying to save the date, that she and another friend had been plotting to throw me a shower. Mike also said his mom is coming out for it and that his stepmom might come, too. I was totally surprised, totally touched, and felt a little bit stupid for being such a baby.

Apparently they've been trying to figure out details for weeks and when I told Mike how I was feeling, he sent a text to one of my friends alerting her to the need to break the news stat. And voila, she did. I feel much better now about things. I guess my friends don't suck, after all.

(And for the record, I was hurt/disappointed because 1) I would totally throw showers for my friends and have been to all sorts of showers in the past and bought stuff and even driven hundreds of miles to be there, and 2) it's my baby, for Christ's sake, and I want her to have nice things-- nice things purchased by our friends and family!)