Monday, March 15, 2010

Life at home

Michaela weights 17 pounds, according to our home scale. She's a big girl! Mike said his mom told him that he was always in the 95th percentile of the age group above what he was in, and it seems like Michaela is in the same boat.

She has a cold right now and is really snotty. I feel bad for her. Her nose is chapped and raw, and her nasal passages are full of phlegm. The poor thing doesn't know how to blow her nose yet, so I try to suck out what I can with the nasal bulb ("snot sucker") and wipe what comes out of her nose as I see it.

The baby is going through another growth spurt and has been eating like a hungry, hungry hippo. Thank goodness for formula supplementation!

Mike and I are doing better. He says I'm over my postpartum depression. Well, he says (sarcastically), I'd be over it if I' had it. (Since I maintain that I wasn't suffering from it.) I still am not excited about sex. It still hurts and I'm just not into it. Most of the time, if I'm in bed, I prefer to be sleeping. That doesn't go over very well around here.

But things are pretty good and I'm really enjoying being a mom. Hopefully I can expand on that soon in another post.

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